FLIPBOOK. Sustainability & Identity. Concept, text, ILLUSTRATION.

Playing and thinking about a Partnership with Slow Food.

Initially, this small combinable pages book was only made as a game, a notebook and a "divertimento" to push concepts and words to the movement. The multiple relationships that are generated and transformed with a slight change open the possibility of exploring and discovering ideas and values that had not yet found their concrete expression.

Almost as if they were rules of the game, three short texts give context and frame the intentions, meaning and commitment of the partnership with Slow Food, putting in the center the virtuous relationship of the company with the water culture.


Paint with watercolour. Make a coffee. Make water turn into art. A small amount of the precise mixture. Water becomes excited with a complex, delicate powerful intensity. (...)

Prepare lovingly and with care a vibrant liquid. Spread it over the of a small paper, collect it in the white of a coffee cup. The water, the white and the colour. The espresso machine is the waiter's brush. The tool of an ephemeral art based on preparing the water with a precise combination of gestures and time.

(...) Coffee like watercolour has always an immediate quality. It allows to seize nature and character with few brushstrokes (...)

An everyday light art that requires the best brush, the best tools. An art that constantly demands the purity of water. Astoria, the art of water into the art of an espresso."